It has been a while since I have updated my blog, but I have found something that has been incredibly powerful for our personal finances. Growing our financial IQ has been super helpful and getting connected with Leonard Williams has been a big blessing for our family. If you want to learn more about our current financial strategy to double our income roughly every 5 months on a completely passive basis take 30 minutes to check out this video now:
Write It Down
I’m Back!
Life Lessons From Colin Kaepernick

Life is comprised of opportunities to create teachable moments if we are intentionally looking for them. This is extremely important if we are parents and/or leaders in other organizations. Now I will start off by admitting I am not impressed by Colin Kaepernick and I do not agree with his recent decision to disrespect our nation’s service men and women by sitting during out National Anthem before his NFL games. It is unfortunate. I am however also disappointed in how so many of my friends whom I agree with have decided to respond to his decision to protest social injustice in this manner.
Is That True?

Has there ever been a time when you were so sure of something only to find out at a later time you were mistaken or misinformed about the truth involving the person or event? I know I have experience the many, many times. I have even argued in direct opposition to the truth for years some times to later learn I was actually wrong about the whole thing. I would like to think you and I are intelligent and view ourselves as a well-intentioned people. If this has happened to you too, how could this happen to us so many times before? What can we do to avoid this mistake in the future?
Press Play

Have you ever planned on doing something you had plenty of time to accomplish, but somehow managed to not get it done until the very last minute? I know I have. While some people struggle less with procrastination than others I believe it is a constant challenge we are all faced with on a daily basis. I have heard it said, “Work expands to all time available.” In most areas of life we can juggle this and still seem to get by. While delaying action with homework assignments and getting to work on time can certainly create stressful situations they rarely carry life changing consequences. What if there are some areas of our lives where we are procrastinating and could potentially do so for years and years? Is it possible there are some areas that we must take action in now? If so, what could force us into taking action?

Are you a concerned American? Do you believe November 2016 will be one of the most important elections of all time? Do you see America is at a critical decision point where if we do not elect the right president or pass the right laws it could set us down a path we may never recover from? Have you identified who the right candidate is? Do you know what the right sides are of the most important issues? Do you feel compelled to tell others what are the right ways to vote and why? When someone shares an opposing view to yours do you fulfill your obligation to correct that poor misled fool as to what is the right path or who is the right candidate?
If you answered yes to these questions may I offer you some helpful advice?
How To Create Margin Part 2

Did you know all forms of income are generated in one of four ways? In Rich Dad Poor Dad: Robert Kiyosaki teaches us about the CASHFLOW Quadrant
. We can either earn income as employees, self-employed specialists, business owners, or investors. The majority of us earn our income as employees or self-employed specialists. When I began to look at this fact and evaluate my circumstances I asked myself the question, “Do I want to do and have what the majority of people do and have?”
How To Create Margin Step 1

Do you have financial margin in your family’s finances? Are you currently following a plan to create margin in your life? Creating financial margin is one of the wisest decisions any family or individual can make. Beth and I did not have any margin when we started off married life, but quickly began following a plan to create financial margin and it has changed everything for our day to day lives. Even if you are single without a family this is still one of the most important things you can do. It has been my experience creating financial margin is incredibly simple to do. It is not easy, but it is simple. It is also extremely worth it.
Do You Have Margin?

Being a husband and father is tough. It is definitely the hardest and most worth-while experience of my life. I am willing to bet all spouses and parents would agree with this. Leading our families requires very intentional thinking and actions to create the outcomes we desire. We face so many challenges, but there is one challenge I see families faced with more and more every day that places a stranglehold on millions of families across America – finances. Perhaps I should say lack of finances. Early on this was a huge struggle for our family. It was the number one stressor in our relationship and often the only thing Beth and I ever fought about. I learned to create and focus on one simple word which has radically transformed our family life and completely removed this stress from our household.