What Is The Best? Part 1

I learned a simple, but profound truth several years ago that has significantly impacted my life for the better in essentially every area of my faith, family, friends, finances, and fitness.  That truth it the quality of our answers is determined by the quality of our questions we ask.  Another way to think about that truth is to understand if we want better answers (results) in our lives we need to ask better questions.  I covered that in more detail in WHAT WAS THE QUESTION previously.  Would you like to know a powerful question that has really caused significant growth and improvement in our lives?

I realize that may be an unusual question and it probably is.  I know before a few years ago I never really thought to ask myself that question, but once I truly understood the power and wisdom behind asking this question Beth and I were able to create some changes in our lives which have simply been extraordinary.   This is actually a great companion question to the THE BEST QUESTION EVER.


It has been my observation too few people truly ask this question because they either never think to or when they do they mistakenly ask a similar question which is nowhere near as powerful.  What I have observed most people change this question to is, “Given my current circumstances what is the best I can hope for?”  This is a significantly less powerful question because it automatically starts off with self-imposed limitations.  That question causes one to shrink their dreams and their results down to their reality instead of growing their realty to match their dreams.

Asking ourselves, “What is the best?” can be applied to every area of our lives.  It speaks to possibility.  Asking that question and thinking about the answers causes our minds to dream and grow and stretch.  The answers to that simple question are limited only by our ability to think and dream.  In fact just like working physical muscles, if we begin exercising our minds by frequently thinking about this question we will soon begin to come up with better answers which are even better than what we previously thought was the best possible result in that area.


We can ask this question in so many ways.  Here are a few different specific versions Beth and I have asked ourselves this question throughout the years:

What is the place in the country to raise a family?

What are the best results we can create in our marriage?

What are the best financial situations we can create for our family?

What is the best way for us to invest the maximal amount of time in our children?

What would the best physical shape I could be in look like?

What is the best stewardship of my time, talents, and resources to advance the Kingdom of God?

Those are just a few examples of how we have applied this question.  Now with this question there is a second follow up question that MUST be asked if we actually want to realize the best results in our lives,

”  I will go into that question in further detail in What Is The Best Part 2.

Questions: What is one area you truly want to see growth and breakthrough in?  What is the best possible outcome you could create?  Comment below

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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4 thoughts on “What Is The Best? Part 1

    Time freedom best outcome, Emily and I rock out DIAMOND!!
    What this would do
    -Emily works for enjoyment not enslaved to our debts
    -Reed has days off when Emily does, not one of us always gone
    -Reed Gets to watch Kadens FB practice, spend quality time with our boys
    -Reed doesn’t get super anxious and frustrated on “bill night”

    How to get there
    -Read more books
    -Continue to share our excitment
    -Danielle mentioned while here in MI, what would you do if all your debt was paid off? I’ve heard this before, but when she just said it Friday night, I took a moment to think about the power of this statement. Its hard to imagine this, but wow what a relief this would be. Emily and I could finally go on fun vacations, just the two of us. We have been married 15 years and still have not gone on a honeymoon. We don’t get to spend near the time we want with our boys Tyler and Kaden and just feel wrong leaving them behind to go on a trip for the two of us. Recent Advocare trips have been amazing for us, spending time together with each other, and with all of you absolutely amazing leaders. We first thought Advocare was just a supplement company, not a personal growth company. Advocare has formed us into better people, we get to be around people like us that love and are excited about LIFE. The thought of going to work because we want to/ if we still choose to never would have even entered my mind if we hadn’t found this vehicle Advocare.