Speak Life


Do you want a happier and more fulfilling life?  Would you like stronger positive relationships with your family and friends?  Would you like less stress and drama in your work place?  If so I want to encourage you to become a life speaker.

Do you speak words of life or death?  This is a question I do not believe most of us think about during our day to day activities, but we should  It is a powerful and important question for us to all be concerned with.  I know for years I struggled with this and constantly spoke words of death without even realizing it.

Become Intolerant

Yesterday I shared Coach Richt’s 3 Point Plan For Fatherhood.

Love God

Love your wife

Show the way

I focused on changes we as parents need to make to help our kids grow into successful adults by showing the way.  One of the most important areas we need to show the way in is by loving our wives.  Now I know we all know this and if any of us were asked we would all respond, “I love my wife.”  That is good, but loving our wives goes so much beyond just saying we love them.  It really comes down to how we act each day.  I am talking about actively loving them.

Are You Afraid Of Change?

Andy Andrews says parenting is the most important job on the planet and I 100% agree with him.  I realize not all of you who are reading my blog are parents yet, but hopefully you will be one day soon.  I gained so much wisdom and insight from All Pro Dad Live this past weekend.   Hands down the most powerful speaker to me was University of Georgia head football coach, Mark Richt .  I am not a UGA fan, but coach Richt
is a phenomenal leader who has his priorities straight.  In the middle of college football season he left practice early on a Saturday to come invest in a group of men who desire to be better fathers.  Coach Richt
shared a 3 point plan for fatherhood.

The #1 Thing To Becoming An All Pro Dad

One of the most important lessons I have learned in leadership is the decision to seek wisdom.


Author, Andy Andrews, identified the 2nd decision that determines person success to be, “Today I Will Seek Wisdom”.   This is something that sounds good, but is not as easy as we may first think at face value.  Seeking wisdom requires more than just reading and studying.  Now those are definitely a component of seeking wisdom, but seeking wisdom is a very ACTIVE decision.  It requires that we are actively searching.


I am a Christian, a husband, and a father.  My professional background began in coaching Olympic weightlifting where I was blessed to help many young men and women compete on the international level and represent the United States.  That experience led to an opportunity for my wife and I to become entrepreneurs and start a home based business in 2007. That has proven itself to be one of the wisest decisions I have ever made.  Since 2007 we have immersed in a culture that encourages personal growth and leadership development.