Should We Raise Minimum Wage?

I have noticed some debates going on recently regarding minimum wage and potential consequences both good and bad if the minimum wage was increased.  I have my thoughts about this issue, but that is not what I want to discuss here.  A truth I learned several years ago from Andy Andrews is the quality of our answers is determined by the quality of our questions.  What if the question, “Should minimum wage be increased?” is the entirely wrong question to be asking?  What if we could ask a better question and help others to ask a better question that would remove the entire need to debate this issue at all?

What Do You See?

As we continue to clean the dirt out of our glass and fill it with fresh water we will begin to change and grow our perspective.  We will encounter situations that may have previously caused us to respond in a negative way, but as we renew our minds we will now approach them in a more positive manner.  I would love to share a great story that demonstrated this very clearly for me last month.

Speak Life Part 2


In my previous post I discussed the value and importance of becoming a life speaker.  Although it is extremely important to living the life we desire it is easier said than done.

You might ask, “How do I learn to speak life?”  The answer requires us to tame our tongue.  And how do we learn to tame our tongues?  It starts by changing our hearts.