We live in a world that constantly dulls us and beats us down. We receive so much resistance in so many areas. The way of this world is to be mediocre and average. As men we are called to be so much more and to do so much more. We were created by our Heavenly Father who loves us and has such great plans for us. One of the most important lessons I have learned is I must surround myself with other champion men who challenge me and sharpen me. We all raise or fall to the level of our friends we associate ourselves with.
I addressed the importance of this concept in Who Are Your Friends? I have been blessed in so many ways I do not deserve. One of the greatest blessings is for the past seven years I have been heavily involved in a leadership culture with strong men. It has sharpened me and caused me to grow in so many ways I never could have imagined. My colleagues and I have a strong passion for helping other men grow and step into the roles God intended for us to lead our families. This Sunday we have a rare opportunity where myself and three great mentors of mine will be hosting a FREE Men’s leadership training call.
What I can tell you about these other three men is the have Fruit On The Tree. They are extremely successful entrepreneurs who are strong husbands and fathers and are involved in their churches. They are choosing to take an hour away from their families to add value and pour into as many men as possible. What if you took an hour out of your busy schedule this Sunday night to join us and you learned just ONE THING that helped you become a better husband, father, or business professional? Would it be worth just one hour of your time? Do you know anyone who has a desire to be a better man? Do them a favor and share this open invitation with them.
There is absolutely no risk to getting on this FREE conference call this Sunday night. The only risk is you choose not to join us and you miss out on becoming the man God called you to be.
Men’s Leadership Call
Sunday 11/30/14
(712) 775-7085
Question: Who are the top three men on your heart who you know need to hear the life changing messages that will be shared this Sunday?
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.