Tag Archives: faith
Men’s Leadership Call Replay

Once it gets recorded you can still use this permanent link: http://www.freeconferencing.com/playback.html?n=/storage/sgetFC/a7xva/aIoFEY
December Men’s Leadership Call

The last men’s leadership call received such incredible feedback we decided to do another one and I am beyond fired up for our speaker this time. Invest in yourself and the men in your life. Be on this call and invite the top 3 – 5 men you care about to join you. Josh Delp will bring a message of strength and wisdom.
Sunday 12/28/14
9PM Eastern
Dial 712 432 0900
Code 461496#
Santa Claus For Christian Parents?

This is a topic I have strong opinions on and I cannot add or subtract anything from this incredibly well thought out blog post from The Gospel Centered Mom. Please visit her blog to gain some incredible parenting wisdom: http://gospelcenteredmom.blogspot.com/2014/12/what-to-do-about-santa.html?m=1
What Is Your Foundation?

Author and speaker, Andy Andrews, has said, “We are all coming out of a crisis, going through a crisis, or heading into a crisis.” I completely agree with this assessment. During the past six months I have gone through two extremely stressful and scary experiences. Back in June my father was hospitalized for a month with necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating bacteria) and 16 days ago my wife went through a 33 hour labor that ended in an emergency caesarean surgery and required two blood transfusions.
A Challenge For Men
What Should I Read?

In my last two posts, I Don’t Like To Read & What Are You Feeding Your Mind, I shared some thoughts and insights into the important of reading. As a follow up I figured I would share some of my favorite books in the following categories: Faith, Parenting, Personal Development, Finances, Leadership, & Business. There are several other great books in all of these areas. In fact I would love to hear from you about your favorite books in any or all of these areas. I know of several other great books that have been recommended to me by friends and mentors who I trusts. I only wanted to recommend and endorse books I have personally read and received tremendous value from.
Walk Like A Man

In my last post Are You A Real Man I addressed the foundation to being a real man is surrendering your life to Jesus Christ and following Him. Once you have made that decision to follow Jesus you still have the challenge ahead of, “Walking It Out” every day. This is an area I constantly struggle in and I am daily growing in. Here are three specific steps I have found that greatly assist me in this all important role.
Are You A Real Man?

This past weekend Beth and I were on a great trip with some friends who challenge us to be better in every area of our lives. It was a busy four day weekend filled with long days and lots of fellowship. I had only been getting about five hours of sleep each night and really wanted to sleep in Sunday morning, but my friend, DJ, invited all of the men to join him for a 7:15 am bible study. I was definitely tired, but so thankful DJ invited us to join him. DJ’s message was simple, but powerful and caused me to consider the differences between being a guy and being a man.
What Do You Want?

Are you getting everything you want in life? Are you exactly where you always imagined you would be? If you are like most men and women out there I am willing to guess the answer is, “NO”. Unfortunately way to many individuals fail to get what they want out of life because they never take the time to first determine what they want out of life.